mahesh pande
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11 Feb 2022 18:09:53
It’s my pleasure to write the testimonial for Dr. Dhananjay Kulkarni’s support to my entire family and for keeping us fit and fine in these difficult weather conditions.
My and I family is associated with him for the last 4 years and we do not even think of other Dr for any reason.
A brief history -
I was suffering from Nose congestion for many years and with DK’s treatment it is completely cured in 6 months. This applies to my wife for her gynecological treatment and my son for his prolonged cough problem.
He has been helping with his Aturveda’s specialization to every reference that I have given so far.
One should have Patience and follow what Dr. DK has suggested to undergo the treatment.
DK Sir is super specialized and has exceptional skills to treat any patient for any disease.
I will say, if you want to get freedom from any old/new decease or seek opinion before any minor or major treatment, do visit Dhananjay Sir.
Highly recommend for Ayurvedic Treatment in Pune.
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