About Us

12 Feb 2022 17:17:08
“There is no greater gift, but the gift of life”, say Charak Samhita of Ayurveda. But life does not mean to stay merely alive, but to be healthy. Diseases, from the simplest cold to severe cancer, tend to steal the liveliness from our lives. But healing through them is always possible. Using all the necessary measures provided by Ayurveda to comfort the patients, has been single important objective of Bhardwaj Ayurveda Chikitsalaya since it’s inception. Be the patient young or old, be the disease acute or chronic, providing much needed care through the means of dietary and lifestyle advice, internal medicines, Panchakarma has been our work culture. Now after shifting to new place, we will thrive to keep delivering best results for those who need them most.
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